Trout Auctioneers, Inc. does appraisals and auctions of antiques, household items, farm machinery and real property.We have been employed by estates, attorneys, individuals, the USDA Farm Service Agency, formerly Farm Home Administration, the Federal Land Bank, the Farm Credit Association, Federal Bankruptcy Courts, and various Trustees in other court cases.
Our appraisals are timely and well researched. We utilize the most current reference material available, ensuring accurate and substantiated values of your personal property and real estate.
In addition to the internet, we have an extensive current library of books and manuals on antiques, equipment and vehicles. These publications along with our experience and exposure to current market trends in the auction market keep us abreast and knowledgeable about the marketplace.
Our real estate appraisers are licensed in the state of Maryland. With appraisal services of both real estate and personal property available, appointments can usually be scheduled for both at the same time.
With two appraisers on our staff, we can provide very prompt and true market value appraisals of any type of land and residential real estate and personal property. Trout Auctioneers, Inc. is a proud member of the Maryland Appraisers Association
Call or email us today if you need our appraisal service:
Phone: (301) 898-9899
Fax: (301) 898-3596

Experience Doesn't Cost ~ It Pays